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Monday – Friday: 8AM – 8PM
Saturday: 7AM – 8PM
Sunday: 9AM – 6PM
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Is it easy to enter Buster’s Car Wash?
What are the hours and locations of Buster’s Car Wash?
Monday through Friday: 8 AM to 8 PM
Saturday: 7 AM to 8 PM
Sunday: 9 AM to 6 PM
How does Buster’s Unlimited Wash Club work?
What are the steps to joining Buster’s Unlimited Wash Club?
If you want to join the unlimited club, you can either sign up online or come into one of our locations.
What is the date of my membership billing?
When I get a new license plate or a new car, what happens?
Can I cancel my unlimited wash plan?
When my unlimited plan is canceled, what happens?
Are you recycling your water?
80 percent of our water is recycled using a reclaim process including reverse osmosis and spot-free purification. As part of our commitment to providing a green business and minimizing our environmental impact, we use less than 33 gallons of water per wash.
As a member, how many times can I wash my car per month?
What is the cost of the vacuums at Buster’s Car Wash?
In your tunnel, are electric cars safe?
Does Buster’s Car Wash offer tire shine?
Can Buster’s Car Wash polish my car with a big buff wheel?
Do Buster’s Car Washes scratch cars?
Are the soaps, detergents, and waxes used at Buster’s Car Wash safe for my car?
What is the average time it takes for Buster’s Car Wash to complete?
Does Buster’s offer a touchless option?
Buster’s Car Wash accepts what forms of payment?
What is the purpose of self-serve pay stations?
In case of bad weather, do you close?
Is there anything that you can do for interiors?
Is it safe to wash a cracked windshield?
In fact, windshield glass becomes more susceptible to expanding when exposed to any rock chips, even small ones, regardless of the size. If you have windshield damage on your vehicle, you should repair it immediately after it occurs to avoid the expansion of chips or cracks in your windshield. While you can wash your vehicle with windshield damage, you are at risk of expanding chips or cracks.
Will my vehicle fit?
We cannot accept vehicles that sit lower than 4.5”, tires wider than 13”, height clearance over 7’4”, dually’s, or trucks or vans with ladders.